Back to work… (the latest)

Hello to you. I’m writing this entry to let you know I am headed back into the workforce this Friday at Papa’s Pizza on the Seawall in Galveston, TX.

You see, I’ve been thinking about my life in recent years, and perceiving where the people are that I wanted to play music with (mainly the dream quartet members), and I’m seeing that I really don’t want to be around these people. They are foolish, lazy, and dumb. Haha. And by dumb, I mean dumb, as in a complete failure in their communication skills.

So, I am done with them.

I have a life to live. I have been given many gifts to share with people. I’m a spiritual person with the desire to share with others on that subject. Both my music and my art reflect my spiritual nature, and I enjoy both avenues of expression.

Let’s face it. I’m done wasting time wondering if those fools will play with me. Sorry to be so blunt with my expression, but I am shifting directions and you deserve to know why through my documentation of this blog.

I mean, have you ever been bouncing all over the place looking for the way to go in life for a designated period of time, only to find that it doesn’t really matter what you do? And, what really matters is that you enjoy your life and the people you surround yourselves with, and that’s pretty much it.

Well, I’ve been going back and forth for over five years now and although I have learned a lot about myself and others, I’m moving on in a direction I can handle. Amen.

That said, wish me luck at my new job. I hope to make Galveston my home in the future. I thought it would be either Cleveland, OH or Houston, TX, but now I’m saying Galveston for now. I don’t see myself ever going back to Cleveland, but I might make a move into Houston if I desire to live in that type of environment again. We’ll see.

The pluses of living in the big city are many, but then again, a small town like Galveston has its benefits as well. If I choose to go back to Houston in the future, it will probably be to be a part of the music scene in some way; either as a teacher of music or a player of music or both. However, I could also see myself working a part-time job in Galveston for quite some time, while pursuing my artistic endeavors on the side, maybe even reaching a point where my artistic endeavors are of the caliber that I could pursue them full-time. But see, these are two different paths in different locations. It would be impossible to do both.

So, for now, I am choosing Galveston because of its close proximity. Also, the hustle and bustle of the big city is not very attractive to me at this time in my life. We will see where I am in five years with that. Amen.

Anyway, thank you for reading this entry and feel free to share with me what you are experiencing. Maybe some of you can relate with what is being said here.

Best wishes,



VIolin? ANyone? Amen.


The latest…