First Post…


My name is Travis Galbraith and I am the owner of this website. I am starting this blog entry from a good place within myself and I am hoping to continue to share with you in this way my personal journey, both in life and in my progression of my creative self. This website contains most of what I do creatively, meaning it doesn’t have everything, but mostly everything. I have not started to market my song-writing skills simply because it hasn’t been the right time to put into that. So, they are not included in the site… yet.

But, you can find everything I do pertaining to visual art and classical music. I include my furniture design under the visual art banner, because I think of it as a creative outlet much the same as my drawing. Amen.

That said, welcome to the site. Feel free to take a look around and see if there is anything you find interesting, from art to cards to furniture to musical services.

In recent years I have thought about a number of different “avenues” of life. Some have been old dreams associated with my years as a student of some of the most prestigious institutions in the U.S.A. But, “prestigious” is a tricky word. Just because you attend one of the highest rated schools and study with some of the most highly thought of teachers, doesn’t mean you will make it in your chosen profession. It’s somewhat unfortunate, but I will explain further as to why I have given up on these old dreams and replaced them with, well, new ones.

My arrival point with this website has to do with an understanding I have reached, that not only will the old dreams never happen, but also that I do not wish to spend my time with them anymore. This is a major contribution as to why they won’t happen in the first place. I cannot commit to the ways of the individuals involved with my old dreams. They have shown that it is either their way or the highway, and I am saying I chose the “high-way”.

It’s funny, I felt at times that my life was being infiltrated, quite frankly, by a number of individuals that in the end had no care or concern for anyone but themselves. This is hardly a good feeling. There are pop songs written about record producers that “take, take, take”, and I am unwillingly to succumb to their ways of living and say, “Oh, it’s fine. I don’t agree with how you are living, but we can spend time together because I need a place to stay.” Nope, that’s not me. I would rather go it alone and do what I know is right, meeting people along the way and befriending those that I do “jive” with to see what we can create together, rather than putting my time and energy into a something that seems to be doing nothing for me but waste my time here on Earth.

There are those that are only concerned about what they need to have a good time in life, and on a certain level, there’s nothing wrong with that. But, to say you do not care about the quality of life of those around you, is to admit that you are an ego-maniac.

It is true, there have been teachers that have passed through this world we live in that have taught to love one another as we love ourselves, this is the type of teaching that I adhere to. I mean, sometimes I wonder whether I love myself enough because I spend so much of my time thinking of others. Maybe that’s a lesson for me to learn along the way, to love myself more. Who knows? God? Most likely, but how am I to know that He does? Amen.

All that said, I am excited you are here and reading this entry. I am hoping to stay with this path for a long time, or at least until another fork in the road comes along when I can choose once again what I consider to be best path for my well-being, as well as those around me. I mean, that is the point, right?

So, thank you for stopping by and taking the time. The service section of the site could be a good start for you, unless you just wanna bust out and take a look at my production. Haha. Either way, happy viewing and it would be awesome if you found something you couldn’t live without. Know that I want you to have it, whatever it is. Amen.

Have a blessed morning, day or evening, whichever makes more sense.


Travis Galbraith, owner


The latest…