
Hello Everyone. I am sure the title of this entry grabbed your attention in a way. I sometimes wonder at the dichotomy of Heaven and my Earthly experience. Which gives rise to the question, how can I help Earth to be more like Heaven?

Ah, it has been said that we all have our origin in Heaven, otherwise known as the Garden of Eden, and the names. But, it has been said, that’s where we come from.

So, what are we doing here? How can it be that so much suffering can exist? And, what about the books that say that suffering is an illusion? Amen. What about that? And what about the books that say that we never actually left Heaven? Which brings up my next thought of what is would be like to have Heaven on Earth? Amen.

All that said, I hope you are having a good morning, or evening, or whenever you might be visiting my site. Ah, if you take a look around the site, you might notice that my cards are now available for purchase directly from the site. I haven’t actually sold any yet, so there may be some kinks to work out, but if you find something you like, follow the prompts and you will receive your purchase one way or another. Amen.

Also, I should let people know that I am no longer working at the pizza place in Galveston. My feeling was that the environment was too busy and my mind did not have a chance to slow down and think about things, because the job was so task-oriented. I’m in no way saying that task-oriented work is a bad thing, I actually enjoy it in small doses. But, to commit to seven hours of task-oriented work is a tough thing for me.

I can say that I am a very creative individual, as most if not all of the people reading this have been at some point in their life. (I say that because of all my musician friends and friends from the arts high school I attended.)

Ah, and if you don’t consider yourself to be very creative, that’s okay, too. Yet, it is my belief that all of us have a creative side. I don’t know what it is that all of you enjoy creating, but I am sure that each of us enjoys creating certain things, if only to make our life fuller and happier. Amen.

So, now that I have stopped working at the pizza place, I am filling my time with art, viola, journaling, reading and more. These things are very enriching for me and I feel I am at a time in my life where this nourishment is very important.

I feel I am heading towards a big decision about where I want to live and what I want to do to support myself. So, thinking through this process is important for me to do, I feel. I want to know before I get there what my interests are. What am able to commit to? An apartment lease? Earning “x” amount of dollars per month? Etc. These are the kind of thoughts I have been having in recent years

So, which dream will it be? Amen.

That said, are any of you going through something similar? I know at least one of my good friends from high school went through a very similar situation in which he had so many options, he couldn’t make up his mind as to which one was the best fit. That is exactly what I’m going through. Eventually, he packed all his stuff and made a decision. Maybe that’s just what I will do. We will see.

All that said, I hope your life is exciting and fulfilling these days. I know there will always be disappointments associated with the world we live in, but somehow, I believe, we can view these disappointments as part of a beautiful larger picture. Amen.

Have a wonderful day and feel free to leave me feedback if you have any to give.




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