As for the rest…

Haha. The title suggests that I am finished with something, and, in essence, this is true.

All the dreams that I lived with in the past are over. I am no longer dreaming, but taking steps forward. How can I say this? Because it is happening within me.

For example, I am taking my Cards by Treasureblaze business to a new level. No longer will I be selling my cards to only friends and family (haha) but I am looking to begin vending for local markets and festivals. Amen. No limits to the business.

For now, I am still making every card myself, but have learned that you have to start somewhere. It is possible that in the future I will expand the business a bit, but I like the idea of keeping within my grasp of both understanding and creating the craft itself. So, I may always be setting aside some time for my crafty side in order to make these cards.

Also, I have learned, that the cards are only a portion of my overall income. Amen. Along with the cards, which, again, I am focusing for the immediate future, I also am a musician, teacher of violin and viola, superficial-furniture-designer, writer, visual artist, and song-writer. It is my feeling, I will say, that all these creative outlets will play a role in my overall income. And, I can declare, that if I do not be the active creative that I am, who will do my part for me? No one. Amen.

So, it is my desire to declare my role on this planet as an active creative, sharing my Gifts with all who are interested. Amen. And, I should add, that not all people will take interest in my creative side, or perhaps they will; but, the point is, I’m not in control of that aspect of giving. I’m only here to create what I love to create, and whoever finds my creative endeavors worthy of their support, will support me. Amen.

That said, do you have a creative side? This could pertain to so many things and ways of creating. I’m interested, though, in what your passions are. Feel free to share and open up a conversation about them with me if you want. I’m available to support you in any way I can. Amen.

So, I am happy to share with you that I have found my way and path in life. These creative avenues have been and will most likely, as long as I am on this planet, continue to enrich my life and the lives of others. That said, I love my life as it is. Amen.

Feel free to come and check out my vendor’s tent and table of cards if you desire to see what I’m up to. I’m considering (and probably will) showcase some of my art as well at these events. And perhaps, even play my songs for people (digitally) while they browse my selection. It could be interesting and fun for all involved. Amen.

Thank you for reading this update and there will be more to come as I progress in these areas of creativity.

Have a Blessed Day,




