
Hello Everyone. I will be honest with you about this entry, I have no idea where it’s going, but I felt like writing to you, so I’m gonna do it. Amen.

Ah, today I met with my therapist and we discussed a new topic, peer support. I have thought about a way for me to get into helping people, and I will say, this might be it. Amen.

You see, being involved with peer support means you have experience in the field, personal experience. And although many of you may not be aware, I have direct experience with mental illness and how the world we live in goes about treating it.

I had a breakdown at nineteen that placed me in the hospital. But, that is not the only time I have been in the hospital for mental illness. Over my life, I have been five or six times. Amen. That gives me perspective on how other people may feel when they are dealing with certain aspects of life. Amen.

It is true, for now I am focusing on my cards and selling them. But, this affected me, this conversation with my therapist, and I might shift gears again in the future. We shall see.

These past five or six years have been quite the roller-coaster for me. There are many people who no longer communicate with me for whatever reason, and although I miss them at times, I understand everyone has boundaries and priorities in life. And I can respect that, in fact I have to. Amen.

Today really got me thinking though. What direction do I want my life to go in? What is important to me, what do I value? For now, it is the cards. But, who knows what the future holds? Amen.

Thank you for listening.




THe new…


As for the rest…