THe new…

Hello Everyone, thank you for taking the time out of your day to give this blog your attention. I am writing today of the latest developments in my life, in hopes that in some way you will be able to relate. This blog is again an expression of my thoughts and feelings about living here on Earth during a time of great developments and increases of awareness. Some would even call this time the time of the Great Awakening. More on that later.

For now, I want you to know that once again I am employed as a teacher of violin and viola. I am going to begin teaching for a music school near Houston next Tuesday. I am very excited about this opportunity to learn and grow even more as a teacher. For those of you who may not know me that well, I have approximately five years of teaching experience. My path in teaching has been a checkered one, in that I usually teach for a year or so, and then take a break from it and develop as a player and spiritual person. That has been the pattern, anyway. My hopes for this new position is to keep it for a considerable amount of time and utilize the funds gained from teaching to support myself in my own apartment setting. Once I have an apartment, I will also teach from home in a studio of selected students. My hope is to one day be teaching only from home, but alas, this is further than I would like to focus right now. For now, teaching for the music school is giving me an opportunity to grow as a teacher of music, as well as get to the point in my life where I can move out from under my parents’ roof again.

I have lived with my parents since Covid-19 hit in the year 2020. Covid was particularly hard on musicians I think, because everything we do, whether it teaching or playing, involves in person communication or events where people are gathering, or concerts where people gather to listen to our music. So, Covid became a time of more personal reflection and in some ways, gave me an opportunity to learn more about myself.

For those of you who know me well, you know I have had ample time for personal reflection in recent years. This reflection time started in October of 2017 when I was arrested and spent eight months in jail. During that time I wrote 600 pages of inwardly reflective material. Once I was out of jail, I was on probation for one full year back in Texas. This gave me more time in a comfortable environment to look inward and discover who I was as a person/spiritual entity. Once that year was up, I entered into therapy for a year (2019-2020) that led me to a healing community in North Carolina. This was an intense therapeutic experience where everyday I was learning more and more about myself. Finally, Covid struck and gave me even more time to sort out my life.

You could say I have been given a great gift for the years of reflection that I have been able to learn and understand my place in the world. My current understanding is to stay as present as possible and make spirit-guided decisions from the heart. Amen. This kind of thinking and decision making is what led me to my new post as a teacher of violin and viola.

Now, those of you that know me well, recall that I had a dream of playing in a professional string quartet. If you have been reading my blog within the past year, you may recall that I have often mentioned placing that dream on the back-burner, in order to progress in other areas of life. Placing a dream on the back-burner is in this instance a recognition that it is impossible to attain at the moment. Through my spiritual vision I can see that the members of the dream quartet are not available in the way that would be necessary to come together in a like-minded group. And, I would go as far as to say that they have a long way to go, if the quartet ever happens. Amen.

So, despite a longing in recent years for a dream to come true, I have chosen a path of simplicity and will be growing in different areas than the direction of the dream. Who knows, maybe one day the members will come to me and say they are ready to play. But, the fact is, they are not there and it is not happening in the present. So, I do what I love, teaching music, playing music and making art and art cards. Song-writing too!!!

All that said, I am very excited about my direction in life again. It feels different this time, as if something very important is taking place. Ah, I should also mention that the Victoria Symphony reached out to me with interest of me playing for them this season. I will most likely be playing at least three concerts with them over the next year. So, I feel my playing is appreciated and I look forward to sharing with them in that way. I have had many wonderful experiences with that orchestra over the last 10+ years. I am grateful they feel I can perform up to a level they are comfortable with. Amen!!!

So, now it’s back to you!!! Are any of you going through experiences where the only answer is to dive into yourself and discover your true purpose in life? I am and have been going through that for years. If any of you can relate, I would love to hear from you through the Contact page of this website. Or, you can email me at

Thank you for tuning in. More to come.

Peace and Love,

Travis Galbraith


Back to violin…

