
Hello All, I am here to be honest with you about my life and experience. I’m remembering my last entry about playing the violin again, and in this moment it sounds like a good idea. Amen. But, how do I get there from where I am, working as a buster/dishwasher at a restaurant in a small coastal town in Texas? Well, nothing less than one day at a time, that’s my current answer.

I should let you know that I have now worked three days at the restaurant. It went well and I am considering keeping the job for now. I enjoy my co-workers, many of which were there when I was a line-cook three or four years ago.

I find my stamina is in need of some attention, but nothing to worry about, I did fine for not having worked in a while.

Ah, also, I won’t lie, I still think about the quartet. It’s hard to say that when I’m trying to move in a different direction. That said, I don’t think the quartet will happen. Amen. I find the four of us to be uncommitted and some of us to be very irresponsible and undermining each other even. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause of our detriment, but for whatever reason, we aren’t coming together.

SO, I continue with my direction at the restaurant for now, in wonder of whether or not the second violinist will ever return my messages to him. Amen. That’s where I am.

Ah, also should mention, that I feel my heart is pulling me in this new direction, away from the quartet dream. I feel my heart is telling me to go back home to Houston and teach violin there, and possibly play for more people over time. Amen.

It will happen if your heart is in it. Amen. That is what I believe.

And, finally, as a side-note, I wanted to mention a new series of books I have found mentioning a new revelation for the world. They seem to be very important. The writer, named Marshall Vian Summers. Check him out if you have the time. Like I said, his words seem very important and relatable to the time our world is living in.

That’s pretty much it for now. I will be going back to work in a few days (Friday-Sunday). That’s right, I’m only doing part-time so I have the time to gain more clarity on my life before heading in whatever direction I choose. Amen.

Have a wonderful week and I will be posting again soon.






VIolin? ANyone? Amen.