
Just got through writing in my general. Hello, again. I have found a few things and I wanted again to let you know where I am with life today. I mean, what if everyone let each other know where they were with life? What kind of world would we live in with that type of honesty with each other and with ourselves. Amen.

My progress in life is happening, I can tell. I’m no longer worried about making a living. I should let you know that I was offered more work by Papa’s Pizza, and I’m thinking about accepting their offer. Amen. This would mean that along with bussing and dishwashing, I would be in the food preparation area as well, cutting vegetables. Amen. Sounds good. And, the food prep is a shorter shift, which means I would still have time to come home and continue with my dreams. Amen.

That said, how are you today. I have been informed (by my reading material) that it is possible that many of us on this planet are under stress and are uncomfortable. Well, I am here to report that it is only because we are in a global transition of sorts. At least that’s what I hear.

For me, I find myself content with life for the most part. I have been spending my time trying to figure out my next move. But, as I am currently making my next move, I am looking at life contentedly. Amen.

But really, where are you today with all life brings you? Are you happy and contented? Or are you unsatisfied and contentious? Hm. I wonder about you as well. And, I might as well say that I hope you find it possible to share more with me as time goes on, through this blog and website. Amen. I’m open to hearing from any of you that read this, and am also open to you sharing my blog with others through social media. If you find it rewarding to read, please share it with others so they can feel the reward as well.

As mentioned in a previous blog, my hope is to share all of the aspects of life with you. That means spirituality, life transitions, how to handle certain things, and much, much more. Amen.

And, as is normal, you may have some commentary on what I am saying. I will not know how you feel unless you share!!! So, share!!! I would be happy to open discussions with you about my material. Maybe even give advice for your life in these times that we live in. Amen.

And remember, God truly understands what you are going through. You may not even believe in God, and that’s okay. But I know He’s real because I know I didn’t create myself. I came from something, and I don’t believe it was only my parents. That said, I have a feeling they didn’t even know how to create me, but instead, brought me into the world with the love they shared.

Some of you may agree with what I just said, some may not. Either is fine, but only one is true. Haha.

There is so much to what I just pointed out. I have often thought that people can say two opposing thoughts out loud, yet only one of those thoughts is true.

For example, an atheist may say something like, “There is no God.” And someone else may say, “God is real.” My question for you is, which one is true? They are obviously opposite in thought, so one must be false, and the other true. I will leave the answer to you, which one is true?

Also, because this is a new blog, I should say I hold no judgment over how you feel or how you think. It is my belief that everything can be explained. So, if we don’t agree on something because of opposing thoughts, I am happy to walk away in disagreement. I am not here to push my thoughts or beliefs onto anyone. But with conviction, I will stand my ground while letting you stand yours. Amen. All can be explained. Amen.

So, I welcome your feedback as I said. Whatever it may be. Again, how will I know where you are in life with your own thoughts and ideas and experiences, unless you share them with me. So share!!!

Ah, which dream will happen? Which dream will come true in the future? How do I stay grounded in the present while planning the future? Amen.

I have read that I should stay as open as possible to others, even when making decisions in and for life. That said, I have been listening to the council of others. Well, guess where it lead? Everyone looking at me for the answer. And then, haha, I look at the for the answer. And finally, I find it is within me, or at least I am told. So, it is possible all of this back and forth, asking others opinions on my life, is all for nil. And I should have been looking into myself the entire time. Amen.

It is true, the quartet dream started at a young age. It felt like something I could rely on for income and fun in the future. Well, the future has come and they aren’t here. So, I find a new dream and a new direction. Amen.

But, I have thought, what if they come? Well, “what ifs” are funny. Because the fact that we don’t know is inherent in the question. So, what if they come? Well, that would be interesting I guess. But in reality, I don’t know whether or would say “yes” or “no” at this point, due to the fact that I have started other dreams that I think I am willing to follow. Amen.

Do you deal with “what ifs” in your life? Wonderment. Amen.

I do wonder about the future that has yet to arrive. I plan for certain things, some of which happen and some of which, obviously don’t. As I close this chapter of wonderment about the future and take steps to create a life for myself here, my thoughts lean towards how dreams are started in the first place. Are others involved. Are they really that interested? Do we share the dream? Are they open to talking about it? Will it become a reality, or was it just a passing thought?

I feel that what matters the most is communication. Amen. I have learned that if someone isn’t open to communicating, it’s best just to find another way to love them, maybe just from afar. Some people, I have found, find open communication to be unnecessary or a waste of time. For them, I feel compassion and love and hope they become more comfortable sharing their ideas and thoughts and feelings.

I remember a time when someone told me to leave them alone, and I thought, “how can you let this go?” Well, I ended up in jail trying to communicate with her, as I have let you know about before. In jail, I finally found it to be not a possibility. And despite the confusion I felt about her intentions, I knew I had to move on, because it was going nowhere.

They say, “hindsight is 20/20”. And I think there’s something to that. I think when we find ourselves in places we don’t want to be, we should look back at the decisions we have made in the past, to see what truly got us there. I should have listened to the girl I loved, even though it was hard. Amen. At last, it wasn’t until later in life that I realized we didn’t need to be together in the way I thought. And, now I’m happy we are not together because I see she still has growing to do. And, funnily enough, I find I wouldn’t be with her even if I could. Haha.

Anyway, I guess that’s enough for now. Hopefully, some of this got you thinking about things. That’s my goal, to share what I’m going through to see if you can relate, or not.

That said, have a wonderful Tuesday and I’ll be back soon.




Decisions, decisions…

