Decisions, decisions…

Hello All. For those who are just joining me, I am making progress in life towards new career goals and leaving behind old dreams, within the course of each day that passes.

Being honest with you, as I always am, I currently have two career paths going, I’ll chase one dream one hour, and the next something completely different. That said, I am struggling a bit, not really struggling, but am getting tired of certain aspects of how people treat each other in this world that we live in.

It, I feel, can be said that this world has made great strides in positive directions over the latest millennia. But, as we grow closer to new illuminations, we should try to be more accepting of each other, no matter what judgments we have made in the past. Nah mean? (Know what I mean?)

I look around and can honestly say that it seems like people are believing contrasting ideas; not everyone, but some; and, I feel, that if people were more open with one another, the issues or contrasts would meld into one. Amen.

That said, have any of you ever dealt with people who just can’t seem to understand? That is exactly how I feel about the quartet dream. Those guys that I had in mind seem to be nothing but foolish. It’s a mockery of good musicians. I mean, they undermine whole groups of people and lie to them and tell them false accusations toward other good people. It’s really sad. And, if you fall for their games, then a whole episode can erupt. And by episode, I mean something that no one wants to happen in their life. I’ve, honestly, had a few, which I will discuss later.

Undermining each other may seem like fun, but if you really think about it, who’s it fun for? The real crux is that the game-players/underminers are the one’s that need the most help, not the ones that fall prey to their contagious plans. Do you see what I mean?

For instance, I might as well go into it. In 2017, I had a few episodes happen to me in my life. One, I made the news as a mentally ill man in downtown Houston. This one blew my mind. Now, it is true, I was fooled by what was happening in my mind. I was seeing visions of my brother in a tough spot in one of the judicial buildings downtown. I had nothing better to do and was in my car when the idea came to go there and see if I could help him out. So, I went, not having any idea of what was going to happen.

After arriving in downtown and parking next to the building I believed him to be in, I walked around, getting a feel for the surroundings and thinking about what to do.

After going inside the courthouse, I realized very quickly I had no business there; however, I was still envisioning my brother in trouble. So, I decided to text him. Once I pulled out my phone and began to text, I was approached by an officer, or patrol person, and asked to leave the building if I was going to text. I walked outside with my phone to an area I felt was safe and continued my text to my brother. Well, shortly there after I was approached by another officer, to which I explained my situation. He seemed to be satisfied and walked away. So, I continued my text. It was much longer before the officer came back. Now, it is true, I may have been a little insistent because of my belief that my brother was in trouble, but I couldn’t understand why they kept approaching me. Well, the officers kept coming until I decided to move locations. I went to a small outdoor stairway about 30 feet away. It seemed secluded, so I felt like I could get the text to my brother. Well, it wasn’t long before six or seven officers got in front of me and the leader said, “Get him.” I freaked and ran through their blockade, pulling free from their grasp. Oops, or maybe not oops. Either way, I didn’t want to be beaten by a bunch of officers, and it felt wrong what they were doing.

Well, after breaking free I ran in between two cars, when I noticed the street was the next thing to cross, but I wasn’t going to run out into the street, so I turned myself in and let the cops drag me down, one tazeing me while I was already in a headlock. Yeah, I know. It was never the line. Especially because all I was doing was texting my brother.

Well, when they picked me up off the ground to due some medical tests, I was hand-cuffed and sore, only to look up and see the cameras on me. I thought, “Wow, this is gonna look terrible.” But said nothing. They wished me away to a hospital shortly after that with no charges or anything. I lost my apartment and some friends, I think, because I made the news. Also, when I watched the news clip some time afterwards, the spokesperson for the incident lied and said I was making bomb-threats. When did that happen?

Some of you may wonder why I don’t hang around much in Houston anymore…. Haha.

Well, that is an example of an episode. It erupted and I moved on relatively quickly, despite being shocked (haha, no pun intended) and somewhat traumatized.

I never brought it up to anyone in an authoritative position, because I have no interest in getting back at anyone. It is true, I might, and probably will, include the episode in an autobiography to be released in the future sometime, but that’s only so my truth with be heard. I could have sued the city most likely, but money isn’t even what I’m looking for in this situation.

What I’m really looking for is a change in the way people treat each other. Amen. What on Earth was I doing wrong there? I may have been under a false sense of what was really happening, but I wasn’t hurting anyone and had no intention to do so. So, why did this happen? All I can say is confusion on their part. Amen. I don’t think the officer that tased me reads books on peace and harmony with others, as funny as that sounds. But, what if she starts reading the books I read? Books about the spirit within us all and compassion and grace and love for humanity? What would the world be like then? Amen.

It’s tough to be a way-shower sometimes, because people in this world sometimes believe opposing ideas.

Ah, I was thinking about this today after doing some reading a few weeks ago on the subject. But, there are laws of attraction and repulsion. Meaning, some ideas go together and some do not. Or, some people go together and some do not. When you are repelled from a situation, or rejected by certain people, it’s best to just turn and walk away. Otherwise, you may end up like I did, having an episode. But, if you sense that the people are on the same page as you, there may be an opening to communicate and share with each other. I suggest finding those people that you gel with and working from there.

For instance, this new job I have in “G-town”, there are people there that I get along with and we work well together. Everyone is seemingly pretty care-free and easy-going. So, it’s cool to be myself and work hard and all of that.

But, what about those quartet members I was thinking about? How do we get along? Well, they aren’t speaking to me these days for whatever reason. Could it be because of their own judgments based on the stuff that has happened in my life? Most probably.

And, you may ask, why am I moving on from that particular dream? Well, because they are foolish enough to fall for it. And trust me, you don’t want to be around people who judge you for what happens in your life, because they might reciprocate the same type of episodes, especially if they find you “guilty” or think you are the reason it happened.

Now, there is a lot here to unpack, maybe you’ve noticed. But, I promise to be nothing but honest with you about my experience here on Earth.

Ah, don’t feel like you have to keep reading these if they make you uncomfortable or make you question me as a person or whatever. Feel free to walk away and do your own thing.

Me blogging has to do with finding a community, or creating a community, that I gel with. So, feel free to walk away if these blogs don’t suit your taste. Freedom is the key.

That said, I feel like I’ve written enough for today.

Hope you related to some of it.

Peace and Love,



Work and play…

