
Hello Everyone. This post is dedicated to me overcoming a struggle today. I am very happy about my ability to get through it. What was the struggle? Mainly self-defeating thoughts. It seems I have many of those. But, today I sat there and allowed everything to happen around me and inside me, and that practice got me though to a better state of mind.

My struggle in recent years has been associated with my career path. There were dreams I had been holding onto that involved chosen members of a dream string quartet. I wonder if my musician friends can relate at all. Well, I reached a point not too long ago when I decided that those dreams had held me back long enough.

This led eventually to me landing my current position at a music school near Houston, TX. I can honestly say and feel that my life has turned around. I now have a direction I am happy with and plan on maintaining for years to come. Amen.

What is this new direction? Well, teaching violin and viola is a big part of it. I am currently teaching for a music school, but my long-term goal is to eventually have my own in-home studio. That’s where it’s at for me. There are particular reasons as to why this home studio isn’t possible for me now, mainly because I live with my parents. But, when I reach the point with this new position that an apartment will be possible, I will also be able to start recruiting students for days that I don’t teach at the school. Then, I will, over a period of years most likely, slowly ween myself off from teaching at the school and take more and more private students into my home studio, until I have a full studio of students taking lessons from my home. This is the dream. Amen.

Also, for those of you who have been reading these blogs, you know that I recently picked up the violin again. I have been practicing everyday and enjoy how it feels. My goal for the violin is to eventually take music gigs with it, but I will need a better violin in order to do that. So, this goal may be years away. We will see. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find a sweet deal on a good violin sooner than I think.

All that said, the main point of this entry is how my life went from darkness to light in a days time. I simply decided to allow things to happen, both within and without. In doing so, I was able to create a space where I could then move about freely, instead of feeling stuck by difficult decisions.

Have any of you ever been so cluttered up by difficult decisions that it starts to drive you a little bonkers? I can relate. Haha.

I remember one of the books I read on spiritual practices stressing the importance of allowing. Well, I found out just how important that was today.

Thanks for reading,

Best Wishes,





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