
Hey, how are you?

I’m fine, thanks.

Also, I wanted to let you know how things are progressing in my life. Amen.

Some of you know from past entries that I had been bouncing around with different ideas and approaches to my life. I have had dreams of being a prominent musician here on Earth, with the ability to play around the world in a string quartet. That said, it hasn’t come together; so, what do I do? Well, I got a job as a violin and viola instructor at a young music school in Sugar Land. (“Young” meaning only a few years old.)

I can let you know that although I have only been there for a month and a half, things are progressing well there and I feel like it’s just the beginning of a nice chapter in my life. Amen. My students are all very gifted in their own way and I love to come into work and begin to share my knowledge of music with them.

I can honestly say that I have never felt the way I currently feel about teaching. Not that I haven’t felt good about it in the past, but this time feels a little different because, I think, my life focus has grown over the past ten years or so.

I mean, being in love with a certain female was interesting in a way, and I know why I loved her. But, going to the extreme of showing up on a married woman’s doorstep to confess my love for her lead to a situation I probably could have lived without. Amen. Anyway, that is all over now. And, I’m ready to embark on a career in teaching music to young people. Amen. (All of that sounds really funny to me now. Hm.)

Houston is awesome. I love that direction of the city itself. Amen. It hasn’t always been that way. I mean, it’s not the cheapest place to live. But, I know I will most likely be able to afford a small apartment somewhere near the city (suburb, perhaps) in the coming year. So, that makes me feel really happy inside and purposeful.

Ah, I am still making art. And, I plan on continuing to revamp this website to show the different creative ventures I undertake. Amen. This includes my song-writing as well. Haha, I am currently listening to my second album, Alligator, as I write this to you. So, there you go.

So far, I’m a musician, a teacher of music, an artist, a song-writer, a superficial furniture designer, and a business owner (art cards). All of which I visit from time to time these days and find great enjoyment in doing so.

What about you? My thought about some people is that they are discouraged from pursuing their creative side due to constant “beauty comparisons” made by other judgmental people. In my life, I cannot tell you how many times I have felt discouraged in my own pursuit of creativity, all due to judgment. I learned, though, that being non-judgmental toward my creative endeavors helps me find what I’m really trying to express, which is beauty itself. Amen.

So, I guess what I’m saying is don’t be afraid to pursue your creative/artistic endeavors. All you can do, really, to me, is grow in new ways and learn to express yourself in new ways as well.

On the viola and violin, I’m able to express myself quite well, knowing that my intention is beauty and love behind it all. Amen. Similarly, my art shows my creative side in a different way, and the direction I feel when I draw is continually changing and evolving, or growing in understanding. Amen.

Anyway, just wanted to share some stuff with you.

Ah, lastly, I’m thinking about spending my Sundays selling cards as a vendor (with a tent and everything). If you have any ideas of where I could setup in Houston on Sundays, let me know, as I’ms are we’ll be in touch.


And, have a blessed day and/or night.




Newest addition…

