Newest addition…

Hi there. I’m up late this evening, which happens from time to time, when I don’t feel like sleeping and have a lot going on mentally/spiritually, whatever.

Maybe you know the feeling. Maybe not. But, to each his own.

Tomorrow, or today, haha, I have some things to do, but I’m not worried about them at the moment. You see, I have experience with this “insomnia” thing. I don’t let it bother me anymore. You see, I noticed that it only bothered me when people would look at me weird for not sleeping, with concern or what not. But, all I can really say is that I didn’t mind the experience of staying up all night. I learned at a young age, that a lot can be accomplished by not sleeping. It adds another week to your week. Not that you shouldn’t sleep when you are tired or feel like it, but think of all the times you wake up in a daze and can’t sleep. And then you “hear you doctor’s voice” saying, “you need your sleep”, or “REM is a must”, or maybe society saying “you’re crazy if you don’t sleep”, etc.

But, I’m hear to say that those extra hours can really pay off creatively if you don’t have anxiety about sleeping patterns.

Haha, it’s funny, on nights that I stay awake, my parents wake up concerned telling me to go to bed. At which point I do, and that’s fine. But, still, I can’t imagine explaining all the reasons I stayed awake. “My creativity was through the roof.” Actually, that reminds me that when I show them all I’ve done or talk about about everything that I thought about, they don’t seem to be that upset. But, alas, they still tell me to go to bed. Oh well.

I will be in my own apartment soon. Ah, that reminds me. I got a new job today. It is at a great music school in the Houston area. This place is really amazing. It has it’s own recital hall and a good number of spaces to teach out of. It’s a really impressive setup. Not that the one I was teaching is less impressive, but it doesn’t have a recital hall. Having it’s own hall gives it a whole new dimension and opportunity for the students, all in one location. And, it literally felt like an art gallery when I went in. So cool. Amen. So, kudos for everyone involved.

I love where I am at in life, and I can say it has been a while since I have been able to say that. I would say, that in the last ten or so years, I have loved aspects of my life. But, now it seems to be coming into a full picture that I can relate to or agree with for myself.

For those of you who don’t know, I live with my parents at the “ripe age of 42”. Ah, I hope to be in my own apartment soon, but want it to all be good before I leave the roost again. In the past, I haven’t had much success with living on my own. But, with all the learning I’ve done in recent years, I feel well prepared for this coming transition. Amen. And, I can feel it happening this time, rather than a few quick decisions like I made in the past. I feel I’m living my life from a standpoint of creating a masterpiece. It takes time to learn what you’re good at and interested in, but once you find that, go with it, maybe it can bring you some income, too. True, most artists would say maybe not right away, and this could be true, but when you start making that beautiful sound or wonderful color combinations (in art) you start to Ian confidence. Then you can start asking for money for your gifts until maybe you come to a point when you have enough to live on. But, until then, live with a loved one or a friend, just for the reason of having shelter from the elements and food on the table. Amen.

Ah, or go to Finland, where there is no such thing as homelessness, because they ended it. I think, not sure about that one. But, hey, it’s a good idea.

Oh, on that note, I recently saw in Germany that there is a small city that has made these little stations for their homeless population. It gives them a place to rest and be out of the elements. I think that’s cool. Do you? Amen. I bet you do. Amen. What’s funny?

Oh, then there’s the phenomenon that words can be taken different ways. I mean, the same word can have different definitions in the dictionary or wherever you look for their meaning. So, when you read something, it often times can be taken several different ways. And, when this happens, I find myself wondering which definition makes the most sense, or has the most resonance with what I’m feeling at the time. Yeah, I think that’s good way of looking at it for me. Thanks.

All that said, I realize I’m rambling, but what you take from it is what you take from it. I’m not asking for concern or judgment, although some probably will anyway, or maybe not; but, I am asking for you to feel if any of this is resonating with you. That’s what’s important and builds relationships. Amen.

Ah, this blog is for everyone, or maybe not, either way. I know some of you may or may not resonate with it, and that’s fine. You are not obligated to read it. But, if you want to let me know your thoughts, please do.

Finally, I might touch on some sensitive issues at times in this blog to let you know what I’m feeling. These could include any number of issues we read about or see on TV. Again, I want healing on all sides. No one is left out in the end. Right?

Anyway, have a blessed week or day or month or year or lifetime.

Love you,

Travis Galbraith (viola)



