
So, many of you might be wondering where I get my spiritual teachings from…

Or, maybe not.

But, I can say I have studied spiritual literature for quite some time. Starting in my early twenties, while still in school at the Cleveland Institute of Music.

See, I went though the “breakdown” experience at the age of nineteen. And I resorted to my spiritual side to overcome the problem. In other words, I didn’t just take the medication and continue on. I left the medication behind, and believed in myself to conquer the illness, schizophrenia.

It’s funny, many people would say schizophrenia is a problem. But, I no longer see it that way. I know I have beaten the illness, and I know when it happened.

It had nothing to do with medication, although, honestly, I am on medication today. But, I take it because it slows down my thoughts when they have been racing for too long.

Some would say that means I’m schizophrenic to this day, but I disagree, and I’ll tell you why.

I conquered the illness when I began my walk of Christianity at the age of twenty-four. Amen. It wasn’t that I just suddenly decided to become a Christian, and that solved all my problems. But rather, that I had a number of spiritual experiences while reading the New Testament of the bible. Amen. That’s what cured me of my illness.

I remember sitting in my home and saying to myself (after reading many other spiritual texts along the way) that I would accept Jesus as a spiritual teacher. Best decision I ever made. For it wasn’t long after that that I considered myself a newborn Christian.

And you know what’s funny? I feel that today I am still one with Christianity, but a new kind of movement in Christianity, one that accepts everyone, no matter your race, religion or national membership.

But what’s funny about that is that anyone can display that type of acceptance. No matter your race, religion or national membership. Anyway can embrace the whole. Amen.

Anyway, just thought I would share that little (or big) piece (or peace) of myself. Thank you for reading.

Love and Blessings,

Travis Galbraith




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