
Hello. I hope this entry finds you feeling well and on your way to a good week. Amen.

Today I meet with the assistant director of the new company I will be teaching for. I feel good about it. I plan on being my normal kind and good-hearted self, if I may say so. Anyway, my feeling is that it will go well.

Following my appointment with the assistant director, I will drive to my other location in order to teach my students for the day. For the record, I will be teaching three days at each location, totaling six days per week. I’m so excited and stoked for this chapter in my life. I believe I will continue with this schedule for some time. Maybe I will cut back eventually, to five days, but maybe not. We’ll see.

Ah, it is my feeling that I would like to be a pedagogue for violin/viola. For those of you that missed it, a pedagogue is a teacher who has his/her own unique approach to teaching. That’s what I want. Amen. It is true, I like to use the Suzuki Method books for my beginning through intermediate students, but I know why I use them, and am comfortable doing so. Amen.

In other news, I am still making art in my free-time. And, I plan on being a vendor for my art card sales. I haven’t started that approach to feeling them yet, but hope to before the end of the year.

What about you? Anything new happening in your life? Are you excited about what you are doing today? Amen.

Ah, finally, I attended a string quartet concert last night. I had some interesting thoughts come up while there. I felt, at times, that was losing interest in playing in a professional quartet. It’s nice, but is it really what I want after all? Well, we’ll see what happens, but I think I’m moving in the direction of being a serious teacher. True, I will play gigs and with certain groups now and then most likely, but to be in a professional quartet is a huge commitment. And, I feel, I’m committed to something else right now. So, I guess that’s that. Amen.

Have a blessed day and I’ll keep you posted on future progress though this blog.

Peace and love,




