
What does the title of this entry bring up for you? For me, the word limitless comes to mind. Why? Because, in my opinion, businesses should be thought of as limitless. In other words, anything is possible with your business. Amen.

Take mine for example, I currently call myself a creative. Why? Because I feel that the different aspects of my business (teaching, playing, art, cards, song-writing, superficial furniture design, etc.) are limitless in my approach. Amen.

I mean, what if I were to tell a student, “No, you can’t do that.” My thought is that the student would be discouraged and wonder why I wouldn’t allow them to do whatever it was they wanted to do. The phrase “artistic freedom” comes to mind. That’s a big one for me when I approach my own art. Within the phrase “artistic freedom” is the feeling of limitlessness. Do you feel it?

I can even describe a revelation I had in my artwork one day. I sat down and said to myself, “Travis, it doesn’t matter what you draw in this piece. So, draw what you want to draw.” The phrase “draw what you want to draw” has a sense of freedom to it. Do you agree? Amen.

Based on what I have said, how is your business going. Do you feel free to incorporate your ideas into what you do? Amen.

On that line of thought, what would the world be like if all businesses thought this way. And furthermore, what would the world be like if everyone in the business had a voice. Meaning they could voice their ideas for the business they worked for. That would be cool. Amen.

How much happier would the world be with that type of thinking. I mean, what if we could write letters to the government and know that someone reading them cares about our well-being and happiness and success, our quality of life. Amen.

Quality of life. I could talk all day long about that. I have been lucky in my life because I have a loving family who cares about me and my success. They recognized that I needed time to “feel things out” for a while, before I would be able to move on in the right direction.

With that in mind, you can take into consideration what my blog has been about. That I have found my way after years of holding onto different dreams that ultimately lead me into a hole.

I have some thoughts about this. Like, that some people, once recognizing my dream had taken hold, did everything possible to ruin it and ruin my life in the process. I suffered their issues in a jail cell, ultimately. When all I was trying to do was express my love. That’s twisted. Amen.

But, now that I have built walls and boundaries concerning certain individuals, I have the freedom to move in other directions. It’s funny, so many people are so concerned about what they have or don’t have, that they will do anything to get what they want, when what they need is a complete overhaul of their own mind. That’s a bold statement.

For instance, many people can band together with similar ideals and all be wrong in how they decided to treat someone else. Remember that.

Take Jesus for example. Was crucified by a number of people who were convinced that they were doing the right thing. How messed up is that. And, with His ability to love them despite their insanity, He changed the world forever. Amen.

My next thought was, did he build a wall or create boundaries for those that treated Him in such a way. I’m not sure, but I feel like people that band together with ideals and values that go against what love is about, need time away so they can sort things out. Our rehabilitation centers come to mind.

It is my opinion that people that don’t know how to love for one reason or another, do need time to rehabilitate. And jails and prisons are the perfect place for that type of thing.

Now, I will mention an idea that has been recurring in my mind for some time, and that is, that everyone in the rehabilitation centers deserves a therapist. It sounds funny, but how much happier would they be with the ability to voice their thoughts. And, how many more people could be rehabilitated in order to prepare them for a safe return to society, or, the “outside world”. Amen.

Now, this is just an idea. Ah, I just had another one that I will share with you. What if our children had more open access to therapists? What if therapy wasn’t looked down upon by certain people in society. What if the same people who crucified Jesus, were put in their place in a rehabilitation center, and given a therapist to discuss better ways of handling their issues. What if murder wasn’t an appropriate way to handle your distrust or confusion.

It has been said that the powers that were prevalent during the time of Jesus, feared mostly their loss of power over the people. But, this is crazy when you consider what Jesus was really offering in His lifetime. Know what I mean?

With that said, consider your judgments of others and how you are handling your business of “loving your neighbor as yourself”. I mean, do you hate the ones that love you the most? Do you feel that the ones that love have more than you do, because of the smile on their face, or the lightness of their laughter? It is true, if you are embittered for whatever reason, the loving ones may have something to share with you that you are currently unaware of due to your inability to see clearly at this time.

There’s so much to what I am saying, according to what I have read.

Ah, on that note, I will leave you with this thought:

There are only two things happening in this world: Love, and the Call for Love. Which one do you relate to the most. Either is fine, but it is important to understand which action you are performing. For if you are Calling for Love, all you need is Love. And if your Love, all you need is answer the Call for it. Amen.

Have a blessed day,




